Freedom Encounters
Breakthru Freedom Encounter Team
Freedom Encounters are incorporated as one of a number of interventions in bringing wholeness to people in the Breakthru family. We endeavour to connect people directly to Jesus, and therein lies the power to bring lasting change, as those given assistance can always approach the throne of grace whenever they want to. Therefore Freedom Encounters are not considered a “Counselling Ministry”.
F. E. is not to be regarded as the only way to help people, but it encompasses a significant set of tools which can have an accelerated impact in restoring people to God’s intention for their lives.

Rika Cronje, under the close watch, protection and covering of the Eldership, is overseeing this ministry.
Why Freedom Encounters?
Our mission at Breakthru is to minister to God’s children so they can walk in complete freedom and wholeness as the power of God is released into every area of their lives through personal encounters with the Living God.
Lies, truths and bondages.
We live in a fallen world, where chaos and brokenness abound. People can be caught in the crossfire of living on earth. Brokenness comes from wounds, lies, abuse, trauma or attacks.
The “father of lies” actively works to bring about his agenda to “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10). Lies empower the enemy to usurp influence or authority in our lives
Steve Backlund quotes this phrase from Francis Frangipane quite often:
“If there’s any area of my life that’s not glistening with hope, it’s because I’m believing a lie.”
Truth will set you free. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
Freedom Encounter is NOT a counselling ministry.
Connecting people to Jesus - therein lies the power to bring lasting change!
Our motivation is that when people leave after a session, they always feel loved. Nothing is too shocking. Freedom Encounters are a no condemnation zone. Confidentiality is a fixed constant in these sessions, and we want people to know that they are safe, loved and heard.